Monday, February 13, 2017

Harley Owners Group - what I found out suprised me

You know, the first year I had my bike the dealership signs you up for a HOG membership.  I didn't attend any meetings and thought I never would.  Figured they were a bunch of people who wanted to join a "real" club but couldn't get in so they all bought a HOG patch and joined a fake one.  Look man, I'm not passing any judgment - I'm just telling you what I thought.

Then my father in law got into riding and joined the HOGs.  "Oh brother, now this dude joined the HOGs- there's the proof that it ain't for me."  But you know what, when I ride with him it makes my ol' lady happy (I've called her that long before I started riding anyway).  If it makes her happy, I know she's gonna make me happy so me and her pops would go for rides now and then.  One day we met two of his HOG buddies for a ride into the Texas Hill Country.  Cool old guys.

They invited me to check out a meeting- free coffee and donuts what the hell could I lose.  So I went.  They were doing an orientation for new members and my father in law pushed me into the room and told me not to be a pussy.  What?!  Dude, YOU'RE the one in a fake ass club.  I thought about my wife and said screw it I'll sit through this.  Next thing I know they're calling me up in the meeting to intro myself and what I ride.  Oh whatever, meeting's almost over anyway.

But then we went on a ride.  What a trip- and I mean like tripped out.  These people knew of roads in the Texas Hill Country that I would have never found.  We went to lunch and they were actually pretty cool.  Now, I'm one of the youngest in the group- there are over 250 people and I bet at least 70% of them are retired.  Everyone with a bagger (except me on an old fatboy).  But they were happy to share stories of where they've been and where they want to go.

Here's what it comes down to.  These people are far from bullshitters.  They ride.  And they ride a lot. Hanging out with them you get to hear some great stories from the vets and being around more people who ride- well, you get to learn more about motorcycling, events and places to ride than if you tried to go it alone.  At least it shortens your learning curve.

I don't have a vest with all kinds of patches and I don't go to every ride but you know what?  It does have a lot to offer.  I even started wearing my name tag to the meetings.  Oh yeah and we're doing a camp out this spring on the Frio River in TX.  It's a cool group and although my preference is still riding solo at my own timeline, I find myself knowing more about great places to ride by being around these old coots.  Coots on scoots.  Maybe I'll make that my first patch.......Nah!

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