Sunday, August 25, 2013

If It Don't Fit...Get Off That Shit

You ride what you want when you want but I'm going to have to piss off a few people here.  Why on earth would you buy a bike that you know is too big or too small for you?  It can be unwise, uncomfortable and most of all unsafe.  Let's take these one at a time:

Bike too small -
A buddy of mine called from a gun show asking my opinion of a bike he took a picture of and sent to me.  Cool bike.  3-D flame job, hand stitched leather seat - real cool looking Sportster chopper.  I told him not to get it. Why?  He's over 6 ft 270 pounds.  Of course he bought it.  First ride we took from Leon Valley to Bandera and his ass was killing him.  To tell you the truth I felt more sorry for the poor bike than for his non-listening ass.  Even worse - he took out a loan to buy the bike.  Two months later he bought an Ultra Glide.  Two bikes, two loans.  I guess he's happier now.

Bike too big -
This one is more common.  I think it's because some guys feel they need some big sofa of a bike to fit in with imaginary bikers they don't know, will never meet and quite frankly wouldn't want to hang with them anyway.  I'm talking about the Tippy Toe Crew.  You've seen them at stops.  They are so on their tip toes that I'm sure at the end of the day the inside of their legs are chapped more than a long work day in certain seedy industries.  Look guys, if your bike is too big...its too big.  If you need proof of how dangerous it is, just take a look at this on youtube:

Sometimes these guys have only one leg down and the other on the peg.  They hang half their ass off as not to look like a Tip Toe kid but you know they aren't fooling anyone.  Bike all leaned over and such.  C'mon man!

My girl and I always laugh when we see these guys.  She says, "tippy toes! tippy toes!" and I just shake my head.

There are a few things you can do to fix this other than adjusting the actual height of your bike (which can throw off your cornering and dynamics but still an option for some).

Get a lower profile seat.  Get bigger soled boots.  Buy a new bike.

Man, ride a bike that fits.  Heels down son!

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