Saturday, August 24, 2013

It's On You Buddy

Not to sound like an a-hole but c'mon San Antonio riders.  We have had way too many deaths this summer.  I keep up on these stories every week because I am a guy who puts myself in that circumstance and think of how it could have been avoided.  Replaying this scenario in my head will prepare me for when (not if) that situation presents itself when I am out on the road.

So there are some no brainers:  1) Don't drive drunk or high.  Hey, what you do in your time off your bike is your issue.  I'm the very last one to point a finger here, trust me.  But if you do it on the road it becomes everyone's problem.  2) Take full responsibility for whatever happens on your bike.

That last one is a hard one for some people to accept but thinking like this will save your ass.  In other words, you wipe out pulling in to Taco Cabana because there was a patch of oil where you were turning in.  It's your fault.  You should have been scanning that patch of road and looking through the turn not at the damn curb you almost hit so had to lay down your bike.

Left hander turns out in front of you.  Your fault buddy.  Should have anticipated the bone head either sped up or slowed down, flashed your headlight or been in a different lane.

If you have ever had a spill the first word out of your mouth should be "I".  "I wasn't looking"..."I didn't look through the turn"..."I wasn't anticipating the dumb ass".  Keep thinking like this and you will keep the rubber on the road. 

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