Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"P" is for Pendeja (part 2)

In part 1 I told you about some of the dumb stuff people have asked me.  Here are some of the dumb things people do:


1) Following distance.  Good thing I keep a good one.  At least once per day it comes in handy.  Here's one occasion that had not often occurred to me...old age.  I'm behind this beauty of an old Lincoln and am looking ahead of him.  We start getting to a stop light and he stops a FULL 50 FT before the light.  And stays there until it turns green!  Once it did I was ready to let the driver know what I thought of him.  When I pulled up, there's grandpa.  Guess it will be me one day.

2) Double left hand turn.  Imagine two lanes at a stop light, both are able to turn left.  If you are in the right hand lane expect the guy to your left to get in your lane mid-turn.  Happens all the time to cars, much more I'm sure to bikes.  They just start driftin.  What I do is stay in the inner lane.  In other words, left hand lane in a right hand turn and vice versa.  My pops had a Camaro totaled out because some bitch did this.  I lost out on my t-top inheritance.  Damn.


1) Tip toe at stops. Not safe but over all just not a good look.  For more read my post "If it don't fit, get off that shit".

2) Passenger no helmet when the motorcycle driver (for lack of a better word in this case) IS wearing a helmet.  In Texas if you get in an accident and the passenger is injured and not wearing a helmet you will face charges.

3) Trying to look too much the part.  You have seen them.  All spanking new shit.  A hundred patches.  Take it easy brother, patches that are not earned should be burned.

You let me know what other dumb stuff goes on.  Yes, Virginia..."P" is for Pendeja!

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