Saturday, September 28, 2013

"Chould I pay heem back por de Aquanet?"

Bucket of KFC, backwards helmet and helmet hair.  We'll take them one by one:

Holy chicken wing.  I guess if you live in a liberal helmet law state like I do (thank God) you can pretty much get away with putting whatever you want on your head.  This dude said screw it, first I'm gonna eat it.  Then I'm gonna wear it.  More power to you man.  The good thing is he probably gave his helmet to his buddy although it looks like that's more of a batter's helmet.  Bicycle helmet on the handle bars?  This guy cuts his own path through life.  I respect that.

Now here's a gal that has all the right intentions but seems to have her priorities mixed up.  Deep thoughts:  If you wear a helmet backwards and fart in the wind do you crop dust yourself? 
We'll end on the topic of choice.  Yes, here in Texas we call it choice friendly.  When I took my MSF class they said that we do have a helmet law but it is not enforced unless you get a ticket.  Then they will give you the ticket and site you for no helmet as well.  Fair enough I guess.  Ah, but I think I have found a loophole for those looking for one.  Behold...the best of both worlds.  Famous last words:  "Chould I pay heem back por de Aquanet?"
Live your life to the fullest and cut your own path.  Bucket, backwards or hairy.  It's all good.

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